Thursday, July 1, 2021

What Would Huey Do?

 I feel that this post is based largely off of Aaron McGruder, who has had just as much effect on my Comedy Beliefs as Tim Allen and Matt Groening, which where big on their own right. I would not rehash any of my more recent posts, and I feel that Joy is Bare.

There hasn't been any series opening line, before or since, that has laid Shockwaves like The Boondocks. Anywhere. And it has been 16 Years and I don't know if bringing back The Boondocks as a Comic Strip or a Series would be a Commercial Liability given some of these themes.

My Grandpas would not approve in the Bad Bar in the Sky about Student Athletes getting Impermissible Benefits. I do not and will not like how Soft Leadership is damaging people!

What Huey Freeman was and still is is a Tragic Product of Soft Leadership. I do not condone everything he says or does, but, I feel the one line that would stick to my ribs is ODB Can Take Care of Himself.

He did and not well and the whole line was getting Ol' Dirty Bastard getting a Presidential Pardon. It has an ironic and tragic effect that Matt Gaetz tried to buy Presidential Pardons like some people's Venmo's.

What the Boondocks would have done is hold accountability to the coals and people would have no idea how people would raise from the Bootstraps. 

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