Sunday, December 29, 2019

Crisis Management Issues are Digging at Everyone

I feel like it is not fun to see Crisis Management Issues break us uglier and nastier than 2001 or 2005 End. This year has been total rump and then some, and I don't want to even get started on being bureaucratic, or even political when we only have 5 More Saturdays until the Instant the Political Operatives Leave Town.

It is not even about Rehab, nor it is all about Midnight Basketball. We'd have to be both safe and in control of our emotions and not just destructive just to play Midnight Basketball with regularity. I cannot and will not hack if everyone had Weapons because that would make losses even more senseless and people have to feel better about redemption, quality of life, or the whole life's work.

With regularity, I feel like we'd just put people in and out like Employee Assistance Programs are nonfactors. I hate to see my Home drug in the Mud, and everyone hates to see their Home drug in the mud. It is not a good housing market when strange men give Homes and Cars to Girls and Women and after a while, they couldn't put up their own money on their own time.

Cosigns are the Devil and then some, period. Cosigns only want to put you on, or worse, put you on in a hurry without the Community's Approval anywhere. Not from civilized adults, not from the establishment, not from anyone!

Sponsors, if you let them, can be your friends, advocates, and champions. What they'd be if you'd pocket their money without something back in return tangible, is cold, is hurtful and is not your friend. The whole shtick of wanting another Mom doesn't fly and it flies less if your elders reputation is Iversonian, as sponsors are shattering, too.

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