Monday, December 16, 2019

Grinch Unit: Here are the Bad Habits that Really Need Fixed

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue and there are habits that I feel are ripe to be fixed, and aping the G in the G-Unit except it is Grinch instead of Guerrila, but, I feel there are the 10 Bad Habits that really need fixed.

1. If you try to talk off Girlfriend, Mom or any other Woman in Fashion and your a Man, that is a serious problem. Girls are not your Mom. Even though to an extent, being commissioner of that bad habit, not proudly, this would extend to relationships.

2. Talking all about Wife, Girlfriend, Mom or any Other Woman only invites the lid getting blown. Serious. I am 34 and I am livid that most of my peers have gotten rusty or crusty with ribaldness. I feel Girls and Women get wise to men being Hefner or JT, which the Middle is Randall of Justin Timberlake.

3. If your going to really be there for the kids, put money into their schools. I don't want to see No Faculty = No School like it was a wingless nightmare. I know Kids Medicine would be just as needed, but, I don't want no Professional Fundraiser who makes a mockery of Anheuser Busch Culture like the Slurpee and the Ice Cream Machine.

4. There are people that need School. Seriously. I don't think if Actors and Jobbers filled out roles like the PTA Disbanded, we'd really be Drunk as in Drunken Narcolepsy.

5. The expulsion process is needed to keep school safe. It is bad enough they are 9 and tick off a key booster, but 19 and ticking off key boosters is even worse. I do not subscribe to the 10 Times Worse Theory, but, this needs addressed.

6. I feel that a healthy culture would be needed and necessary. It does not help that it is a wad of individuals trying to put together a culture.

7. Stop building cars like your Michael Waltrip. Do me a favor by not doing me a favor.

8. Quality Control should be Quality Patrol like the Street Patrol. I find not everyone is interested in this subject matter.

9. Success would make anyone Andrew Craig. Just because we fixed Craig vs. George and Barnhart doesn't mean the lessons should be ignored.

10. I don't think anything good comes out of defending Girls. Especially when the Guys are Permissive or Angry, and that includes true protected groups.

I look at this as a Pirate Flag, especially if we don't have nothing to offer.

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