Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Flea Market Flip For No Good Reason is Flipping Out Nashville SC Boosters

I feel that the great ball of fire that is rudely flatfooting Nashville SC Boosters is the Flea Market Flip to Flip Vanderbilt Stadium and invite Minor League Soccer to Town. The fleas in this is the snags to demolish the Expo Center, which is and was the Full Fledged Flea Market and people know when a Tennesseean is angry, it is not pretty.

I'd feel like Nashville has more projects than money to throw at it, and I would feel Winston Cup would be higher on the radar before the Tennessee State Fairgrounds tails it East. The Nashville Metro Davidson has been given a D- at best for letting career Spinsters and Bachelorettes inundate them like Aunt Patty and Selma, and to add insult to injury, there is not enough quality songwriters and I'd believe it better if it was true Speechwriters and not a staff bigger than God and it being believable in the Bible Belt.

The new school has abetted the old school for too long in Middle Tennessee and I'd like to see the House be Open within reason again. If Nashville SC put it together, I'd like to see a WGN Like Superstation where'd we'd know everything within reason from Nashville Fairgrounds to Country Music and knowing what is going on in Middle Tennessee.

I don't know if there are any resolutions, but, we'd need to work towards them.

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