Friday, December 6, 2019

Piracy Affects Everybody

I am feeling Piracy by any name affects everybody. I wonder if some or all of these Backchannel Series would enjoy "Arrested Developments" of Critical Success, but, become too much for networks, especially if we always box Jennifer Aniston as a Barbie Doll of a Rachel Green from "Friends" and permenantly disrupt a 2nd or 3rd Act worse than "Gilligan's Island" Cast.

The TGIF Ploy would have worked better if Cal or Stanford was in the Hometown Pac 12 Championship. I don't mind Clemson having the chance to do what Dr. Osborne or Ballcoach Spurrier never did, but, I feel the Playoff Committees would have to expand because of the worst region currently, which is the American West.

It would be too easy to encamp and call Hollywood from anywhere, but, I feel guilt and ruin for not having a healthy relativity to Los Angeles, Hollywood, and every dusty gulch from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Nobody said make remakes or revivals, which was a stoploss.

I'd feel that changing Ross-Ade Stadium is a band-aid to a bigger problem. But, this post is not about band-aids, it is about Piracy.

Piracy injures Sports Returns and we'd have bigger tenticles about Sports Betting, Frat Boys and leaving Women Young and Hip. Sadly, I wish most people would have gone through Sports Betting with a sense of rationality, and we know everyone gets older, and the thing that would stop harder than Cancer is HIV/AIDS Diagnosises.

Piracy doesn't help HBO's Subscriber Base. If you want to help that, buy Seasons of DVDs. Piracy or the fear of it doesn't help us Small to Mid Markets Own Our Own Work.

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