Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How is it the Pac 12 Conference Doesn't Have any Regular Playoff Contenders?

I feel like I'd have to answer this bootleg question (and not necessarily code for trick play) that how is it the Pac 12 Conference Doesn't Have any Regular Playoff Contenders? Washington State goes out of their way for being indecent, Conference Newbie Utah tries to buy away an Iowa City, the Los Angeles Schools don't show leadership in the American West, and people are favoring Cal.

It has gotten to a point to where most Football Fans want to end the Nastiest Hex in the West, especially when California has not always put themselves out as a Family Show. I'd sooner sail before I am told Oregon is a Finisher, and Stanford is limping only because of another guy who'd wanted to leave home.

Oregon State is a smoking hot mess, and the frightfest of a program is a real hit to a department that should be making money. I would advocate Washington from Marion only because I would keep on trucking with having a Destination Program and I am mad that the trucks of championships have been replaced with more stars than years in weddings.

A lot of places, there is not a Healthy Student Culture. That would be heavy to unpack and they sure need leadership as much as the $5 Million Dollar Win that would heal their budget in a game they had no business slating.

What the Star Board has gotten is crestfallen. I would be happy with an Arizona Leadership that doesn't phone it in on the 6th Play or an Arizona State leadership that is a Boot Camp.

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